The Fix Was / Is In
On our political left
The fix was (always) in.
No integrity in government, bereft.
The chosen candidate was (always) to win.
Obfuscation and misdirection pressed into motion,
Aided by journalist, broadcasting continually on air.
Lying, cheating proffered as truth-promotion,
But to the wide-eyed, they now in despair.
Discomfort and anger rumbled on the right
As their world of normalcy turned upside down
For eight years (seemingly as if over night).
Only one aspirant spoke to their issues while others just frown.
Establishment-right knows not how to win,
For eight years they were passive.
Having endured revenge, must take it on the shin.
Abandonment of their constituents quite massive.
So here we are both left and right
With two political deplorables delivering immoralities,
lies, and tricks.
It’s too late for us to kick and smite.
Help us, Lord because we are really in a big fix.