The High
Berating those who
With perceived
Of the highest
Loathes he any opposition
with all might.
When speaking to
followers of the way,
He chastises their
beliefs, of course,
Keeping criticism
of the prophet at bay,
While seated regally
on his own high horse.
“Detruncations and
any violence you should expect.
Your crusades a despicable volition.
It is pass time
for that sect
To play out its
true core and mission.”
Only with inner
municipiorum he sees
Identity with
those the majority he thinks oppresses.
But to prophet he
prays on his knees,
At the way he
explicitly down dresses.
When other varia
are killed or suffer,
When national
protectors downed,
Ignores them he, creating
a buffer,
Not to tilt his anointed
Redefining lone lupus triumphs,
While hugging the mater
Showing contempt
for traditional roots, he trumps
The nation's heart
and soul with ad hominem.
“I am the new way
of thinking,
My purpose to cleanse
the nation.
Purging history,
and it linking
To radical and complete