Monday, July 27, 2015

There’s Nothing Wrong with “Me”

There’s Nothing Wrong with “Me”

There’s really nothing wrong with “me.”
And frankly it’s just sad
The way some people leave “me” out
As if I’m wrong or bad.

Instead they use my cousin, “I”
Where he does not belong.
He’s simply not objective case. My
Goodness, that’s just wrong.

“Please contact Jane or I today”
Is said by more than some.
They’d never say, “Please contact I.”
They’d know that that sounds dumb.

There is one truth we all should face,
One truth we all should see:
For compounds in objective case
There’s nothing wrong with “me”!

This poem was composed by English Professor and novelist J.N. Sullivan.

Theologia Ecclesia Corruptionem

Theologia Ecclesia Corruptionem

They met in a hot summer’s fortnight
Beneath the Wasatch peak
Constructing a self-serving foresight
Enlightened solely by political thought and speak.

Tossed the tradition of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Not to mention that of David and Jesus,
Their new religion now makeup
To them “An easier gospel to please us.”

As was to the ecclesia in Galatia,
But not astonished at their post-modern desertion,
Worshiping not Him but Crustacea,
A new gospel is the zeitgeist’s insertion.

Stunned at your turning to a new gospel,
Incomprehensible that you walked from Grace,
Not that there is another ark in the hostel,
Like Marcion your faith a vacuous space.

From whom do you seek approval
And why is your denial so fervent?
The richness of faith your intended removal,
It is man, not Christ, you are servant.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

New Book "From My Father's House" by J.N. Sullivan

Woody Norman and ARCHDEACON BOOKS announce the publication of a new novel by J.N. Sullivan.

Link to CreateSpace eStore

Link to Amazon

Coming soon in Kindle edition

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Purchase my Cabaniss biography with a discount

Click Link below to go to Amazon's CreateSpace eStore

Then click ADD TO CART,
Next, you will be asked to open/create a CreateSpace account.
Enter discount code VNWVZQ9X and save almost $4.00 on the list price.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The High Horse

The High Horse

Berating those who disagree,
With perceived self-insight
Of the highest degree,
Loathes he any opposition with all might.

When speaking to followers of the way,
He chastises their beliefs, of course,
Keeping criticism of the prophet at bay,
While seated regally on his own high horse.

“Detruncations and any violence you should expect.
Your crusades a despicable volition.
It is pass time for that sect
To play out its true core and mission.”

Only with inner municipiorum he sees
Identity with those the majority he thinks oppresses.
But to prophet he prays on his knees,
At the way he explicitly down dresses.

When other varia are killed or suffer,
When national protectors downed,
Ignores them he, creating a buffer,
Not to tilt his anointed crown.

Redefining lone lupus triumphs,
While hugging the mater proditionem,
Showing contempt for traditional roots, he trumps
The nation's heart and soul with ad hominem.

“I am the new way of thinking,
My purpose to cleanse the nation.
Purging history, and it linking
To radical and complete transformation.”

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

American Friends of the Czech Republic

The Summer 2015 Newsletter of the AMERICAN FRIENDS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC contains a brief article about U.S. Ambassador William Jelks Cabaniss, Jr. and my biography of him.

The article and picture are on page 6.

Click here to see (and download) The Summer 2015 Newsletter of the AFoCR

Click here to purchase the paperback edition of WILLIAM JELKS CABANISS, Jr.


Click here to purchase the Kindle eBook edition of WILLIAM JELKS CABANISS, JR.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Jesus and Muslims

They other day I downloaded an eBook by Fouad (pronounced 'fwad') Masri. The book is so wonderful and effective I looked up Masri on YouTube and found several of his videos.

If you have 30 minutes, watch this one video and then download the book. Masri is speaking at Ozark Christian College in this video - his talk is preceded by a short presentation about Muslims over the past 20 years.

Click these links below:

Ambassadors to Muslims

Fouad Masri speaking at Ozark Christian College