Friday, April 17, 2015

Ambassador William J. Cabaniss honored at BCA event

On Tuesday, April 14, 2015, my wife and I, along with former U.S. Ambassador Bill Cabaniss and Mrs. Cabaniss, attended the annual board of directors meeting of the Business Council of Alabama. Mr. Cabaniss was honored by the BCA for his service to the State of Alabama when he was in the State House and Senate during the late 1970s and 1980s.

The BCA blog (click on link) summarizes the significance of Mr. Cabaniss's service. Ambassador Cabaniss at BCA

Thursday, April 16, 2015

A Beginning

I think it is time to enter the blogosphere. There are several blogs that I have followed, however, I primarily follow other media. Two of my favorite are FIRST THINGS magazine - I read it on Facebook as well as receive 10 printed issues annually - and the internet sensation of Anglican worldwide news known as ANGLICAN UNSCRIPTED.

The First Things editors and writers are both Roman Catholic and Protestant even though the magazine's founder, Richard John Neuhaus, was a Missouri Synod Lutheran pastor who became a Roman Catholic priest. A thoughtful journal that holds back nothing on opinion.

Also opinionated are the two "stars" of Anglican Unscripted. I like to watch Kevin Kallsen and George Conger (an Episcopal priest) engage in their examination of all things Anglican.

So, this is my beginning. This blog will not be a "heavy" blog. I intend for it to be light in its commentary.