Thursday, August 27, 2015

Today’s Elusive Bagel

Today’s Elusive Bagel

It was mid-morning, shall we say?
When an urge for a plain, toasted bagel
Took on me its sway
As I walked away from my work table.

Into my wheels I drove as if star struck
By a compelling logic
To the closest Starbucks
For a tall java and my bagel-eating project.

“But no,” said the barista
“We’re out of bagels today.”
So back on the 150 I drove eastward,
Heading for the next long-locks Siren on the way.

Upon positioning into a parking space
I was suddenly be-mused
By the store's remodeling at a leisurely pace.
It being closed, I descended into the blues.

One more chance as mid-morning about to close,
Into the Mall trotted I to the caffeinated stand,
An aromatic arabica brew filled my nose,
But there, too, no bagels were on hand.

“Why not,” said I to the polite young server?
“You’re the third store with bagels unoccupied.”
“Didn’t you know,” said the smiling, customer-oriented worker,
“The batches of bagels were compromised?”

Now what to do?
It’s approaching time for lunch.
With so many minutes and miles that I blew,
I’ll go to Panera’s and call it brunch.

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