Saturday, January 30, 2016

Sarai by the Sea

Sarai by the Sea

She strolls the sands
A pace so slow
Noticing not how the ocean expands
Its ebb and flow.

The ocean’s creative energy bound in two:
Its massive diastolic reach
Engulfs the old, makes new
The systolic remnant folding from the beach.

The surf’s repetition
Is what most see,
The grandeur of the waves’ disposition,
Both a danger and beauty, most will agree.

Is there a secret
Hidden in the sea?
Does it request
From everyday life to flee?

Sarai stares into the ocean blue
Searching for an anchor,
For any answer, in lieu
Of the source of her internal rancor.

The ocean can settle
From its pacific smile,
Its stormy waves, her mettle.
But now only confuse and beguile.

Sarai’s life not as she thought.
In search of her true roots,
A flicker of hope she bought,
Revealed but as rotten fruit.

Day after day,
Year after year,
Sarai searched for someone to say
That she is some father’s little dear.

Not from the shoreline, the outer banks,
The majestic great lakes fronts.
It was at the southern sunshine beaches and ranks,
She ceased her daughter-hunts.

Always at water’s edge
She looked for the concrete.
It was as if Sarai could not dredge
From the sea’s bed a stable seat.

Seemingly an orphan of the sea,
Disappointment and rejection
Guided her to flee
From her closest affections.

Simply looking to the ocean
Is not a lasting retreat,
But of symbol and notion
How life can be complete.

New life and new birth
Also symbolic of the sea,
Point to One of higher worth,
The One Who hung on a tree.

Sarai was never abandoned,
While lorning for her truth.
Her Father, His hand on
Her heart from childhood and youth.

Now time
To be drenched by the sea.
A different clime,
Baptizing Sarah's new me.

© 2016 WENjr

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