Saturday, March 12, 2016

Donald Trump and University of Illinois-Chicago Event

On Friday evening, March 11, 2016, a presidential candidate was scheduled to deliver a speech in a building on the urban campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago. Things did not go right, or did it?

According to television news coverage, apparently the people who wanted to hear Donald Trump speak did not have that opportunity because an organized and successful disruption campaign trumped (pun intended) the scheduled political rally. Shouts of "we won, we won" were heard and reported by the media present on the streets. So, who won? Consider the following items.

Item #1: The University of Illinois-Chicago is one of most radical, left-leaning universities in Chicago if not the nation.

Item #2: "Former" anarchist and founder of the Weather Underground, Bill Ayers, is a "distinguished" professor at University of Illinois-Chicago.

Item #3: Bill Ayers and President Obama were/are friends, certainly they were former political associates. One can consider Ayers expert in rallying students toward radical-left purposes.

Item #4: Chicago has a history of violent demonstration. Many people remember the 1968 Democratic National Convention and the violent demonstrations outside the convention arena as well as some scuffles inside the convention center. Remember when reporter Dan Rather was shoved around?

Item #5: Donald Trump and his campaign leadership team, for certain, had to have been aware of the four items listed above.

Could it be that the Trump campaign concluded, well in advance of scheduling the rally at that particular venue, that such a disruption could occur? I think so.

One should understand that free speech was violated last evening - the Trump campaign was not allowed to exercise its First Amendment right to free speech.

What happened last evening occurred not in fascist Italy or Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s; it was staged in the United States of America, a continuing constitutional republic in the 21st century.

Keep in mind the end result of last evening's event as you read the definition of FASCISM from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Fascism is "a way of organizing a society in which a government
 ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which 
people are not allowed to disagree with the government; 
a very harsh control or authority.

One can speculate that this organized disruption had the backing of or was instigated my the group known as move-on dot org. Certainly one can speculate collusion by George Soros and his million$ in that event.

I have written earlier in this blog of the inevitable result of a continuance of liberal-progressive policy/governance: eventually liberalism runs out of targets to attack and therefore is consumed by a strong-man, a dictator, a totalitarian.

Given the media coverage following last evening's disruption, liberal-progressive politics was on ugly display - and the demonstrators were true to their beliefs for all of America and the world to witness.

I believe that the Trump organization was brilliant in that it knew that a disruption of that magnitiude might very well happen. So again, who won?

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