Showing posts with label secularism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label secularism. Show all posts

Monday, May 29, 2017



The secular has no clue.
Nominal Christians are nice.
Both see what Submission will do,
But are scared to fight.

Read the Prophet’s book
Just once,
And you will forever not look
And talk like a dunce.

It’s not a fight
With Submission’s so-called “Radical.”
That “Radical” is actually its pure light,
The Prophet’s binding manacle.

The real radicals of the “pure light”
Are misnamed as moderates.
If they speak up they might
Have their heads removed in their habitats.

Vast numbers of followers
Of the Prophet are not fanatics,
Neither total swallowers
Of sura dogmatics.

However, those followers are weak
And frightened by their throat-slicing minority.
Hideouts are what they seek,
They have ceded their authority.

The West then must assume this fight
And call a spade a spade.
It must recover its true grounding,
Or submit to the blade.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Coming to Terms

Coming to Terms

What’s so radical
About misuse of a term?
Words classical,
Once healthy, now deadly germ.

Radical Islam is a misnomer.
Its practice, Koran pure.
So-called moderates, the sarcoma,
The real radical offers no cure.

Radical is not
Pure Islam.
Its principles, its thought,
No peace, no balm.

Pure Islam is
Commitment, conviction.
On infidels quiz
Belief, impose affliction.


The secular west
Did its best
To rid its root
Of Christian fruit.

First in Europe
Began to stir up
Old convictions
Creating frictions.

No need for tradition
With the Enlightenment mission
Of thinking the rational,
Being one, killing the national.

Fluid thinking,
No principles linking
To past truths.
 The secular requires no proof.


Pure Islam and the secular
In strange alliance
Make spectacular
A frightful compliance.

The secular so blind
With no principles at all
Must resign
With submission, withal.


"Radical," you see
Really are the "Moderate."
The rational and secular plea
Have succumbed to the pure threat.

Is it too late
To come to terms?
How long will the secular wait
Before western culture burns?